Earwax/Cerumen removal
via microsuction

When it comes to removing excessive ear wax, microsuction is one of the safest and most comfortable for the patient.  It is performed using a special microscope and low-pressure medical suction device to suck any wax out of the ear canals very gently. It is a safe procedure as instead of putting water into the ears to flush out the wax; nothing is put into the ear in micro suction, only sucked out, making it safe even for people with eardrum perforations or other foreign objects that may be present in the patient’s ear canals.

It is recommended that the patient use ear drops/spray for at least the 3-4 days leading up to the appointment. The recommended product at The Audiology Place is CleanEars, an easy-to-use, all-natural olive oil-based spray. Without using drops to soften the wax, the ability to remove the wax safely diminishes, and in this instance, the appointment time is still billable.

If the patient has current ear infections or cold/flu/COVID symptoms, please wait until these have cleared before the patient attends an appointment.

Common symptoms patients may describe when they have an excessive earwax build up:

  • Troubles hearing where they normally would
  • Ear aches
  • Itchiness in the ear canals
  • The sensation of blocked ears
  • Popping, crackling or other abnormal sounds
  • Tinnitus or ringing in the ears
  • Feelings of being off balance